Student Views on Faculty

Group 6-3


Core to the higher ed experience is the student-faculty relationship. For many, the pandemic changed how students and faculty saw each other — gaining insights into personal struggles and professional obstacles. In this Student Voice survey by Inside Higher Ed and College Pulse, sponsored by Kaplan, more than 2,000 students from 100+ higher ed institutions rated the quality of their professors and instructors in various aspects, including academic rigor, instructional materials, course knowledge, and their ability to connect and foster relationships with the student body.

Student data was collected from April 11 to April 19, 2022, through the College Pulse mobile app and web portal, and weighted to be nationally representative of two- and four-year college student populations.

Key Questions Include:

● How stressed do students’ professors appear to be this year?

● Are students’ classes being taught virtually when they were meant to be in person?

 ● What role do students want faculty to play in helping with career decisions and professional connections?