Students as Customers on Campus

Group 6-3


How do students view their interactions with campus administrators, staff, and individual departments? In the latest Student Voice survey from Inside Higher Ed and College Pulse, sponsored by Kaplan, more than 2,000 students shared their thoughts about the non-academic services on campus, including the offices for financial aid, bursar, registration, advising, and career prep. Learn how students rate the “customer service” experiences they have had in various departments.

Student data was collected from July 13 to July 21, 2022, through the College Pulse mobile app and web portal, and weighted to be nationally representative of two- and four-year college student populations.

Key Questions Include:

● Do you think the needs of students are prioritized over other factors in non-academic offices?

● How efficient is your college at answering phones, returning calls, and assisting students with managing bureaucratic processes?

 ● How smooth is the course registration process? Can you get the classes you want and need to graduate in a timely fashion?